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The true value of women’s sport is not in outdated metrics like TV audience and reach, it is in the depth of engagement, accessibility and story-telling ability of incredibly talented athletes.


Millennials and Gen Z’s have started a purpose revolution. People now expect brands and corporates to drive social change.


Women’s sport provides a powerful connection between consumers who are looking for authentic connection and watch, participate and engage with the sport; and businesses, brands, media wanting to tap into values-based positioning. 


Our powerful ‘new age’ role models are not only playing to win; they’re playing to INSPIRE. They are the start of a whole new outlook for girls and women and how they define themselves.


Authentic storytelling drives emotional connection. Emotional connection drives brand loyalty. Brand loyalty drives sponsorship.


As sponsorship evolves from shiny logos to more sophisticated communications, storytelling has become a powerful way for brands to reach audiences. Research shows that consumers respond better to storytelling than traditional advertising, providing deeper engagement, longer impact and better return on investment.


House of Kitch designed the “Unleash Your Value Story Workshop” for the Office of Sport and Minerva Network to help professional athletes tap into the value which lies at the very heart and soul of their story.  


The workshop helped break down the research and reveal what sponsors, investors and audiences are looking for from athletes.  We designed a bespoke “storybook” which used evidence-based models to provide athletes with a strong understanding of their value proposition through a purpose-based lens. It included practical storytelling tools to help athletes uncover their own personal stories and how to tell it in a way that will strategically resonate with audiences.  

The workshop was run as a hybrid event from the Sydney Cricket Ground with participants involved across Australia and Europe.


Unleash workbook Chloe Dalton.png

Copyright © 2024 House of Kitch Pty Ltd  ABN: 40 613 936 664

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